Integrative Medical Hypnosis

Numerous studies and clinical trials support the use of hypnosis
as adjunct therapy for a variety of medical conditions
The applications of hypnosis for medical conditions are vast - working with root cause, working toward intended outcome, pain analgesic or anesthetic, reducing anxiety, accelerating recovery, and improving mobility and function are some of the many benefits hypnosis and hypnotherapy can offer.
Clients may desire help with sensory changes such as taste or smell, swallowing medicine or relieving nausea. For some it may be the courage to tolerate their next treatment, so changing the mental and emotional perceptions of those treatments can be beneficial.
Perceptual change can be advantageous to daily tasks such as tolerating a CPAP or an injection, but also to more invasive or challenging treatments such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Find out if experiencing, and adding, the powerful tool of hypnosis to your Thrive Toolkit could be beneficial for you.
If you are a cancer patient in the SF Bay Area interested in experiencing hypnosis, I'll be leading a FREE online class, Hypnosis for Pain Relief and Healing, 1/30, 2/13, and 3/20 @ 6pm through the Cancer Support Community, San Francisco Bay Area. You can register at
Resources supporting the efficacy of Hypnosis
• BBC Article - The Medical Power of Hypnosis. Hypnosis is emerging as a powerful medical treatment for pain, anxiety, PTSD and a range of other conditions.