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How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened awareness. A hypnotic state is acquired when the brain wave pattern slows from a Beta state (14-30 cycles per second) to an Alpha (receptive) state (9-13 cycles per second), or an even deeper Theta state (4-8 cycles per second). When in hypnosis, the critical analytical level of mind is bypassed for a deeply focused and relaxed state that facilitates the acceptance of suggestions, directions, and instructions desired by the client.


Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis under the guidance of a well-trained and certified hypnotherapist is considered a safe and com-prehensive treatment. Hypnotherapy may also be used as a complementary treatment by healthcare professionals. Hypnotherapy may not be appropriate for all individuals, in particular those with severe mental illness.


Can you use hypnosis for pain?

Hypnosis has been used successfully for moderating both chronic and acute pain. The deep relaxed state of hypnosis alone has been shown to lessen pain up to 40%. Some of the many uses of hypnosis for pain management are: childbirth, dental procedures, emergency care, migraines, IBS and cancer. Practicing 

self hypnosis offers non-addictive pain control 24/7, and may help those using pain medications to reduce

their dosage. 


How does hypnosis help with anxiety?

In this deep state of relaxation the physical body can reset from the anxious state of fight, flight or freeze to rest and digest, while positive suggestions reframe an agitated, fearful and worried mindset to one of calm. Uncovering and healing the emotional issue(s) that create anxiety allow for a permanent shift.


How is hypnosis helpful for fears/phobias?

The mind in a hypnotic state can explore the root causes of a fear/phobia and receive suggestions for calm, confidence and security. Our subconscious is always working to protect us and will not explore something a client is not ready to examine. Relief also comes from revisiting a positive memory, before the fear began, and bringing that confident state forward.


Can you use hypnosis for surgery prep and recovery?

Hypnosis can be beneficial before, during and after surgery. A personalized protocol can help the patient remain calm and focused on the benefits of the procedure while also providing pain relief. Additionally, hypnosis has been clinically proven to promote a quicker recovery. 


How would hypnosis be used for medical conditions?

Hypnosis can be used to address the many facets, or factors, contributing to a disease or illness. Deep relaxation and altering perceptions help in pain management, while addressing long standing emotional blocks and looking toward the desired health goal can support healing.


How would hypnosis help me through divorce or job layoff?

Hypnosis in hypnotherapy helps uncover and process the stored emotions and limiting beliefs that cause anger, resistance, fear, and lack of confidence.Tapping into our internal guidance for support and perspective can yield a transition that focuses on a positive path forward and not on the pain and regret from the past. 


How many sessions do I need?

Generally 4-6 sessions are recommended for sustainably changing a deep-seated issue. The first session consists of gathering information through conversation and hypnosis. With this knowledge, we move forward with change-supporting sessions of hypnosis and coaching. Self-hypnosis and listening to a personalized recording help reinforce the positive shift. Together we create an affordable and effective plan. 

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. 

~Lao Tzu

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Brit Lesnett, CCHt

Cell 415-246-1551  •  Send email 

ACHE# CHT519-127

© 2025 Soma Hypnotherapy. All Rights Reserved.

Services provided are non-diagnostic and are complementary to the healing art services that are licensed by the State of California.  

Hypnosis in Northern California and online worldwide. My clients are from Novato, Petaluma, Terra Linda, San Rafael, Greenbrae, Mill Valley, Sausalito, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Bodega Bay, Napa, Sonoma, Ukiah, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Berkeley, Fremont, San Francisco, Nevada City, Grass Valley, Lake Tahoe, Modesto, Minden NV, Salem, OR, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, Las Vegas, NV, Tulsa, OK, Branson, MO

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